Friday, May 27, 2011

“Jordan is Palestine”
                                           “Jordan is Palestine”
If Israel waits long enough, Israel will be completely surrounded by hostile Arabs, Iran will have acquired a nuclear missile,and the United States will hesitate to intervene if Israel is attacked. The time to strike Iran is NOW, while the "Arab Spring" still is chaotic and less dangerous. Israel should bomb all known Iranian nuclear sites, and threaten to us tactical nuclear weapons if Iran tries to retaliate.  <<See this
 At the same time, the Sinai should be retaken, the Jordan should become the legal boundary, all the terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank should be removed, and the remaining Palestinians should be absorbed into the State of Israel. They should be denied voting rights in matters of defense and foreign policy.
           “Jordan is Palestine” Petition to be delivered to the Jordanian Embassy in Israel
The recent revolutions in Arab countries of the Middle East prove that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the main problem of the region. Any attempts to force Israel to create or accept a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza will only enhance the instability in this region. The world-community is experiencing growing frustration in the face of the recurrent failures to resolve this conflict. These failures are the result of a miss-diagnosis of the roots of the conflict. If it was in fact a territorial conflict between two nations over a piece of land, the logical solution of division of the land would be the true cure to the conflict and could have been achieved long ago.
But this conflict is not a territorial conflict, but a religious war – a clash of ideologies. As such, the Palestinians will never be ready to recognize Israel as a Jewish State and declare the end of the conflict.

Nevertheless, the world-community wants to grant the Palestinians a state in an attempt to end the conflict. Such results can be achieved only if the world-community recognizes the historical, demographic and geopolitical fact that the Palestinians already have a state in Jordan. Jordan is the national state of the Palestinians. It was created by giving the Arabs 75% of the area that was allocated to become the Jewish Homeland by the League of Nations in San Remo after World War I. It is also important to remember that some 80% of the Jordanian citizens today are Palestinians. As King Hussein – the late father of King Abdulla the 2nd – said time and again: “Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan.”

Prof. MK Arieh Eldad, Chairman of Hatikva Party (part of the National Union Knesset Faction) has launched an international Internet petition signed so far by more than 6,000 people from all around the globe, calling on King Abdulla to declare Jordan as the National Palestinian State. If he chooses not to do so, he may find himself confronting his citizens in Amman's streets and circles within Jordanian society that will demand it. The petition will be delivered to the Jordan Embassy in Israel on May 24th, on the occasion of the Jordanian Independence Day.

On that same day, similar petitions will be delivered to Jordanian Embassies in the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Norway, the Netherlands and Slovakia.
We are sure that “Jordan is Palestine” is the only realistic alternative to the failing “Two States” solution.

                     Keep wondering why no one seems to remember this FACT?
Jordan didn't want these people. They and the rest of the Arab world built "Refugee" camps rather than take their brothers and sisters in. The camps are also a propaganda ploy to make Israel look like the cause of the squalor. The Arab nations let their kin suffer for generation after generation, rather than do the right thing and create a life of dignity for them...and ultimately everyone. It's too bad the solution falls heavily on Jordan's shoulders. Jordan is the one Arab country that does try to be civilized and keep some form of peace in the Middle East. So stirring up problems in Amman feels wrong. But the Palestinians are mostly Jordanians. And Jordan has a LOT more room to settle Muslims than tiny and Jewish Israel does. Now we're talking. This is the truth come out. Hurray Israel.

More than half of the Jordanians are Palestinians - is that not a definition of what Jordan "is" ? If more than half of the population of Belgium is Belgians, I would say that it is a Belgian country.......
If Jordan then is sensible enough to have a defence and development pact with Israel, trusting that Israel would help them in case of troubles, and also to develop the country so more people could enjoy living there - it would be an advantage for everyone.   “Jordan IS Palestine” solution to the Israel-Arab conflict.
Come study with us: 6:30 Wed. we can change date and time. Thank G-od we are free.

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