Writtin before 1921 Clarance Larkin, "From book" Rightly Dividing The Word. From your brother Dillard Munsell
How are we to account for the wonderful preservation of the Jewish Race? Only on the supposition that God had, and still has,
some great work for them to do. In the first place they were raised up to reaffirm and teach that there was but ONE God. In the
second place to be the Writers, Preservers and Transmitters of the Holy Scriptures. To them were committed the “ORACLES of God.”
Rom. 3: 1-2. Every page and book in the Bible was written by Jews. The Jews took especial care to preserve the Scriptures and keep
them from being tampered with. In the third place they were raised up that God through them might give the world a SAVIOUR. Who was
Jesus? A JEW. In the forth place they were raised up that they might save the world from moral putrefaction.
When Jesus said, “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4: 22), did He simply mean that from them should come the Savior-Jesus? or did
He mean, as when He said-”YE Are the ‘SALT OF THE EARTH,’” that the Jewish Race were to be the means of preventing the “Moral
Putrefaction” of the world, and that if they became extinct as a nation the world would be ripe for judgment? The writer thinks he
meant the latter, and that the salvation of the Nations, morally and physically, and the preservation of the human race on the earth
depends on the preservation and continuance of the Jews as a RACE.
The present degenerate condition of the world is owing to the fact that the Jews have lost their savor, as the salt its saltness,
and until they recover it degeneration will continue to develop until the time comes that the smell of the decomposition of the
decaying nationalities of the earth shall call for Divine interposition and the Jewish SALT be resavored by the conversion of the Jews,
and their becoming the leading nation of the world.
For the Jews today there is no “Pillar of Cloud” by day, nor “Shechinah Flame” by night. They have no altars, no sacrifices,
no priesthood as in former days. They observe the “Passover,” but no paschal lamb is slain. They keep the “Great Day of Atonement,”
but no blood is shed to make reconciliation for sin. All sacrifices and oblations have ceased. They have no King, no Judges, no
Prophets, no inspired writers. The “Urim” and “Thummin” give no Divine token. The word of God is precious, but there is no “open vision.
” Their last Great Prophet was the “Man of Galilee,” but Him they rejected. Like their forefathers, who took Joseph, after they had
rejected him, and sold him for 20 pieces of silver, and he was hidden from their view in Egypt on the Throne of Pharaoh, so the Jews
took Jesus, their Joseph, and having rejected Him, sold Him for 30 pieces of silver, and He is now hidden from them on His Father’s
Why Is This? Have they been supplanted as a “Nation” by the Gentiles, and as “God’s People” by the Church? Are they never again
to have a land of their own, and a Existence?
Is not their condition today the fulfillment of the prophecy of Hosea 3 :4? “The Children of Israel shall abide MANY DAYS without
a King, and without a Prince, and without a Sacrifice, and without an Image, and without an Ephod, and without Teraphim?” Is it not
that Jerusalem must be- “Trodden down of the Gentiles until the ‘Times of the Gentiles’ be fulfilled?” Luke 21 :24.
What does Paul say “Blindness in part is happened to Israel until the ‘Fulness of the Gentiles’ be come in. And so All Israel
Shall Be Saved.” Rom. 11: 25, 26.
From these scriptures we see that the Jews have not been supplanted by either the Gentiles or the Church, and when the time comes
they will again become a nation.
Study with us 6:30 dillmunsell@yahoo.com